In this Discussion Group meeting Network Member and founder Ruth Barnett will introduce the Holocaust Memorial Day theme – One Day – and Network Member and Chair of the Northern Holocaust Education Group Ernie Hunter will outline the work of the NHEG.This meeting, open to Members of the Second and Third Generations, is a chance to share our thoughts and reflections on the HMD theme and Holocaust education. Start time 6.20pm for 6.30pm GMT to give everyone time to set up and check their Zoom connection. Numbers are limited and Network members will be given priority. If you would like to attend this meeting, please email A Zoom link will be provided.
Discussion Groups
Tuesday 9th November – Discussion Group Meeting: Using Your Voice
In this Discussion Group meeting we will share experiences of how our Holocaust heritage has impelled or inspired us to us our own voices, in a variety of ways. This meeting, open to Members of the Second and Third Generations, is a chance to share our experiences and those within our In this Discussion Group meeting, introduced by Hannah Goldstone (3G) and Network Member Sue Smeding, we will share experiences of how our Holocaust heritage has impelled or inspired us to us our own voices, in a variety of ways. This meeting, open to Members of the Second and Third Generations, is a chance to share our experiences and those within our families. Start time 6.20pm for 6.30pm GMT to give everyone time to set up and check their Zoom connection. Numbers are limited and Network members will be given priority. If you would like to attend this meeting, please email A Zoom link will be provided.
Tuesday 14 September – Discussion Group Meeting: What’s in a Name?
In this discussion group meeting we will explore the impact a name can have, revealing or concealing our Holocaust legacy. How has your name or surname affected your sense of identity? Have you considered changing your name to honour the memory of a relative or were you named after someone who died in the Holocaust? Network Member Professor Erika Hagelberg will introduce the meeting by sharing what she knows of the story of the Hagelberg name. This meeting, open to Members of the Second and Third Generations, is a chance for you to share your own experiences and those within your family. Start time 6.20pm for 6.30pm BST to give everyone time to set up and check their Zoom connection. Numbers are limited and Network members will be given priority.
If you would like to attend this meeting, please email A Zoom link will be provided.
Tuesday 13 July – Discussion Group meeting: Sharing about Caring
What issues do the Second Generation face as they care for the First Generation, and what is the impact on the Third Generation of their parent/s becoming carers? Further details to follow.
Tuesday, 15th June — Publishing the Holocaust
Following on from our series of events, ‘Writing the Holocaust’, a panel of Second Generation speakers will share their experiences of how they managed to publish their writings, and provide helpful advice and tips. Merilyn Moos explored her Holocaust and anti-Nazi heritage in The Language of Silence, Breaking the Silence, Beaten but not Defeated and Anti-Nazi Germans; researching the effect of the Holocaust upon the lives of relatives was covered by Rosemary Schonfeld in Finding Relly: My Family, The Holocaust and Me, and by Nick Barlay in Scattered Ghosts, longlisted for the JQ Wingate Prize 2015. These authors will share their experiences of various publishing models, set out some of the advantages and disadvantages and answer Members’ questions.
The Zoom event will start at 6.30 p.m. BDT with access from 6.15pm.
Register for this panel discussion at:
Thursday 11 February 2021 – Professor Mary Fulbrook: Reckonings
Professor Mary Fulbrook FBA is Professor of German History and Dean of the Faculty of Social and Historical Sciences at University College London. She has written or edited more than 20 books, including the Fraenkel Prizewinner, A Small Town near Auschwitz: Ordinary Nazis and the Holocaust (2012). She will speak to the Network about her latest book, Reckonings: Legacies of Nazi Persecution. Her discussion will focus on the process of writing and researching the book and how her own Second Generation background influenced the process. To book a place for this event, go to