About Us
The Second Generation Network was formed after two conferences were held in London in 1994 and 1995 for people whose parents or grandparents were victims of Nazi persecution during the Holocaust. A newsletter — Second Generation Voice — was established in 1996 to keep participants at the conferences in contact. After several meetings, the Network was formed in January 1997. Voice became Voices (Second Generation Voices) to reflect the range of experience and opinions amongst us nationwide, and is published three times a year.
Our parents or grandparents arrived in the UK as refugees from, or survivors of, Nazi persecution, usually after 1933. Some survivors and their families came in post-war or later years, such as in 1956 or 1968, from Eastern Europe, when there were new waves of anti-Semitism. One or both of our parents usually are or were Jewish. They may or may not have been religiously observant.
You do not have to be Jewish yourself to be a member of Second Generation Network. The issue that links us is being ‘Second’ or ‘Third’ Generation; having had, or still having, the direct experience of being from a family where either a parent or grandparent was themself affected by Nazi persecution.
Our Members are of all ages and backgrounds and live across the UK, Europe and the rest of the world. They help to make the Network a thriving and enriching forum. As we develop, we are always interested to hear from Members who would like to contribute, in whatever capacity, to the rewarding work we do. If you have any ideas for events or are interested in helping us a Member of one of the Committees, please contact us.
Please join us on Facebook and follow our Twitter @NetworkSecond account.
Second Generation Network Committee
Chair: Leonie Grayeff
Contact: editor@secondgeneration.org.uk
Vice-Chair : Gina Burgess-Winning
Contact: events@secondgeneration.org.uk
Events: Anita H. Grosz, Sue Smeding, Gina Burgess-Winning, David Clark
Contact: events@secondgeneration.org.uk
Website: Anita H. Grosz, Julie Reichman
Contact: anitagrosz@secondgeneration.org.uk
Second Generation Voices Editorial Committee
Editor: Leonie Grayeff
Deputy Editor: David Gordon
Design and Layout: Julie Reichman
Listings: Barbara Dresner
Poetry and Fiction Page: John King
Contact: editor@secondgeneration.org.uk