We meet, talk, listen, write, share — welcome!
The Second Generation Network is interested in and explores the effect of the Holocaust on its Members’ lives. It is a UK-based organisation which welcomes Members from around the world. Currently, we hold Discussion Group meetings, presentations and workshops on Zoom, while also having regional groups in various parts of the UK (see below for further details of regional groups). The Network arranges joint events with the Wiener Holocaust Library and regularly participates in Jewish Book Week. We have also co-organised the Kindertransport Conference at UCL, London in 2019 and the Intergenerational Conference at the Institute of Education, London in 2015, and participated in the Working Groups on Descendants of Survivors Conference in Cologne.

Our printed magazine, Second Generation Voices, goes to all Members three times a year. We also send out regular events emails that notify Members and others of forthcoming events arranged by the Network, such as the informal Discussion Group meetings and workshops that are Member-only and the talks and presentations that are open to a wider audience. The emails also include details of events of interest and relevance to our Members held by other organisations.
If you are interested in becoming a member check out the Membership & Renewals Section of the website.

The Network is currently holding its Discussion Group meetings, events and workshops online via Zoom, making them easily accessible no matter where you live. When it is safe to do so we will return to the Wiener Holocaust Library, London, while still holding some events on Zoom to enable our Members who live elsewhere to attend. Recordings of some of our talks and presentations are available in the Members’ Area.
We are a group who value our Members. If you are arranging an event that might be of interest to fellow Members or have an idea for an event, we would like to hear from you! Please email events@secondgeneration.org.uk

A number of regional groups also hold Discussion Group meetings about a variety of subjects of interest to those of the Second and Third Generations, where group members choose the topics, including the emotional legacy of growing up with a parent affected by the Holocaust. These are not therapy groups or sessions, rather opportunities to meet and talk with people whose upbringing and life experiences were in some way similar. It can be a great relief to realise that “I’m not the only one…”
For further information, click here.