Second Generation Voices Magazine
Some back issues are available for Members on request. Please email:
Members will find a selection of back issues in our Members’ Area
Researchers, Members, readers please note all back issues are available at:
The Wiener Holocaust Library
29 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DP
British Library reading rooms (London and Yorkshire)
Issues from 1996, ISSN 2397-5016 used in catalogue from 2006
Second Generation Voices magazine provides a unique space where members of the Second and Third Generation can write about their experiences and views of being descendants of refugees from or survivors of the Holocaust.
The Network decided to produce a magazine to link together those who had attended two London conferences in 1994 and 1995. The first issue was published in January 1996 and Second Generation Voices has appeared in January, May and October every year since then. The Wiener Holocaust Library in London has a collection of all issues of Voices, which are also sent to other institutions, such as the British Library.
Second Generation Voices is produced by a team of volunteers, some of whom have experience in journalism. The organisation is funded exclusively by Members’ subscription fees, voluntary donations and occasional advertising in Second Generation Voices.
Second Generation Voices Editorial Committee
Editor: Leonie Grayeff
Deputy Editor: David Gordon
Design & Layout: Julie Reichman
Listings: Barbara Dresner
Poetry and Fiction Page: John King
Join us
The Editorial Committee welcomes new members. If you are interested in joining the committee, please email Leonie Grayeff at to discuss how you may be able to work with us: editing, writing, proofreading, taking photographs at our events.