“Does early life trauma biologically impact on offspring unto the Second and subsequent generations?” (with apologies to Exodus 34:7)
Jonathan Seckl trained in Medicine and Science in London and has been Professor of Medicine in Edinburgh since 1995. His research addresses the role of the stress hormone cortisol in foetal life, notably in ‘programming’ the risk of subsequent adult disease. He has described epigenetic mechanisms whereby cortisol exposure before birth, permanently changes the biology of the offspring. He has studied the impact of the Holocaust and the 9/11 atrocity on cortisol in survivors and their offspring. Recently, he ‘enjoyed’ the stress of a decade as Senior Vice-Principal at the University of Edinburgh. After Professor Seckl’s presentation, there will be an opportunity to ask questions. To book www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/transgenerational-transmission-of-trauma-with-jonathan-seckl-tickets-1058764335629