At this in-person event, held at and in association with South Hampstead Synagogue, we will screen a documentary by ARTE TV featuring Network Committee Member Janet Lew’s journey towards gaining German Citizenship. Simon Albert (who also features in the documentary), lawyer and co-founder of the EU Passport Project will share his experience of acquiring Czech citizenship and Nik Pollinger (communicator by day, journalist by night) will speak about acquiring Austrian citizenship as explored in his new website:
Brexit drove many of us to find a way to gain European passports. In many cases, it was and remains daunting to dig into the past; do we really want to gain citizenship of a country which was responsible for exiling or murdering our forebears? After the presentation there will be a chance to ask the panel questions.This meeting is open to members of the Second and Third Generations. As numbers are limited, Network Members will be given priority. Booking of a place is essential. Start time: 7.30pm. BST
If you would like to attend, please email: .