Family membership in Europe 09/06/2021 There are no active payment methods. Please contact the site administrator. Terms: £35 / Year First Name:* First Name Required Last Name:* Last Name Required First Name (main contact):* First Name (main contact) is Required Last Name (main contact):* Last Name (main contact) is Required Other family members who will be accessing the 2GN website (please state their relationship to you.):* Other family members who will be accessing the 2GN website (please state their relationship to you.) is Required Address Line 1:* Address Line 1 is Required Address Line 2: Address Line 2 is not valid City/Town:* City/Town is Required County/Province/State:* County/Province/State is Required Postal Code/Zip:* Postal Code/Zip is Required Phone number:* Phone number is Required The Second Generation Network holds and protects members’ personal data in accordance with GPDR requirements. A copy of our Data Protection Policy is available on request. Please tick this box to confirm that we may hold your data for Network purposes, eg to send you Second Generation Voices, notifications and events...* The Network was established primarily for the children of Holocaust refugees and survivors – the Second Generation. We now welcome members from across the generations. Please tell us if the main contact is:* The Network was established primarily for the children of Holocaust refugees and survivors – the Second Generation. We now welcome members from across the generations. Please tell us if the main contact is is Required First Generation Second Generation Third Generation Fourth Generation Other (please specify) Other reason for membership: Other reason for membership is not valid Please tell us which generation your family members are (use a number to represent a generation e.g 2 = second generation): Please tell us which generation your family members are (use a number to represent a generation e.g 2 = second generation) is not valid Was/were your parent(s)/grandparent(s):* Was/were your parent(s)/grandparent(s) is Required Refugee(s) fleeing their homeland Came to UK as a Domestic Came to UK as one of ‘The Boys’ Kindertransport Hidden Child(ren) Camp Survivor(s) Other (please specify) Other info: Other info is not valid Place state the country/countries of origin of your parents/grandparents:* Place state the country/countries of origin of your parents/grandparents is Required I would like to be involved with the Network and/or Second Generation Voices and would be interested in: I would like to be involved with the Network and/or Second Generation Voices and would be interested in is not valid Arranging events Editorial assistance Proofreading Publicity/social media Other (please specify) We appreciate any feedback you might have, including how/where you heard about the Network: We appreciate any feedback you might have, including how/where you heard about the Network is not valid Username:* Invalid Username Email:* Invalid Email Password:* Invalid Password Password Confirmation:* Password Confirmation Doesn't Match Password Strength Password must be "Medium" or stronger No val Please fix the errors above