The Annual General Meeting of the Second Generation Network will take place at 6:00pm BST on Tuesday 19 October 2021. All full members of the Network are very welcome to attend, hear about what’s been happening during the past year, our plans for the future, and offer comments and suggestions. Reports and audited accounts will be presented at the meeting, and there will be an election for the committee for the coming year. Motions and proposals for the AGM must be submitted at least 14 days before the date of the AGM. Please note that only current full Members may attend.
Please register to attend at If you are unable to attend, you can nominate a proxy in writing by sending the proxy form to the Membership Secretary no later than 48 hours before the AGM.
There will also be Open Mic Entertainment between the various reports, such as poetry reading, a song, a musical interlude, dancing. Sign up and join us in the fun. Each act should last approximately three minutes. David Clark will be the MC. So, please do contact David at if you would like to take part.